Pressure regulators are designed to maintain set-up, constant pressure diff erence in process installations, which are connected in series to regulator’s valve outlet. Regulators are adjusted to steam, liquids and infl ammable gases.


Regulator comprises three main units:
• double-seated valve (1),
• actuator (2)
• adjuster set (3).
Diaphragm actuator can have the following eff ective diaphragm area: 100 cm2, 160 cm2, 320 cm2, depending on the pressure diff erence required. Actuator is connected to the valve through adjuster set (which consists of a spring /s/ with spring spacers). Valve’s and actuator’s stems are sealed by means of elastic bellows made from stainless steel. The bellows do not require service during operation. Regulator’s valve is closed on power failure.


Regulator RRC-4:
• higher pressure impulse (P”+“) is applied toactuator chamber through adjuster set;
• lower pressure impulse (P”-“) is applied to actuator outer chamber.
The spring tension should be such as to allow for equilibrium of forces, when pressure diff erence achieves its set-up value. If the set-up value is exceeded, equilibrium of forces gets disturb, which causes valve
plug to open and fl ow rate through the valve to increase till the regulated pressure drops down to its set-up value.
1. In order to avoid excess noise, it is recommended to maintain pr (abs) > ½ p zas (abs).
2. Kvs values of regulators are selected by the manufacturer according to individual needs of Customer.
3. Please advise regulated pressure of the regulator while ordering, and the regulator will be set accordingly.


Regulator should be mounted on a horizontal pipeline with the spring facing downward. Direction of fl uid fl ow must be as indicated on the regulator’s valve body. It is recommended to install strainer type FS in
front of the regulator. Regulators are equipped with impulse pipe connections, which are already fastened, and impulse pipes to be fastened. Additionally, steam regulators are equipped with condensers and connection stubs for the pipeline. Regulator is set at the regulated pressure required when supplied

Technical data
Regulator's SizeDN 65; 80; 100; 125; 150; 200;
Nominal pressurePN 16; 40
Kvs coefficientKvs 95 ... 400 m3/h
Max. fluid temp0 / +240°C
Setting ranges0,1 ... 5,6 bar
Flow characteristicslinear
Leakage class• IV class PN-EN 60534-4
• VI class PN-EN 60534-4
Body Materials• staliwo węglowe GP240GH (1.0619)
• staliwo kwasoodporne GX5CrNiMo 19-11-2, (1.4408)
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